Can you imagine a society where people are zipping around in flying cars? Of course not, but what can be a reality is people zipping around the airport on luggage scooters!
The basic premise for this invention is that when you are traveling you often have to get places while dragging your luggage behind you. Adding wheels to travelers' baggage has revolutionized the luggage industry, I have taken that concept one step further.
Scooter luggage is a hard suitcase with a sturdy lightweight frame in which a scooter can fold out. By simply folding the platform of the scooter down from its indented encasement, you can snap it into place thus creating scooter luggage. I have redesigned the average carrying handle to lock into place and have slide out hand grips. When the scooter is not in use, the suitcase folds into a traditional bag.
I liked too much this blog,is very useful, specially because i going to travel frequently now and i want to get a comfortable luggage. I think all this information will be helpful.
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You have brought new fresh ideas here. I wanted to make sure about the scooter luggage protection because in riding there are chances of getting fell down and it can cause damage to our luggage.
scooter luggage
Yeah Scooter luggage concepts will help us to know more about scooter luggage and its protection as there are chances of falling down and get damage to our luggage.
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